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2. Ginoux, J. J. "The existence of three-dimensional perturbations in the reattachment of a two-dimensional supersonic boundary-layer after separation," Tech. Rep. TM 3, Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode-Saint-Genese(Belgium),1960.
3. Ginoux, J. J. "Laminar separation in supersonic and hypersonic flows," Tech. Rep. AF EOAR 66-6, Training center for experimental aerodynamics Rhode-Saint-Genese (Belgium), 1966.
4. Ginoux, J. J. "On some properties of reattaching laminar and transitional high speed flows." Tech. Rep. VKI TN 53, Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode-Saint-Genese(Belgium),1969.
5. Three-Dimensional Flow Structures at Supersonic Flow over the Compression Ramp