1. Temporally resolved, two-line fluorescence imaging of NO temperature in a transverse jet in a supersonic cross flow
2. 1.M. Seitzman, 1.L. Palmer, A.L. Antonio, R.K. Hanson, P.A. DeBarber, and C.F. Hess, "Instantaneous Planar Thermometry of Shock-HeatedFlows Using PLIF of OH,"AlAAPaperNo. 93-0802.
3. J.L. Palmer, B.K. McMillin, and R.K. Hanson, "Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence Imaging of UnderexpandedFree Jet Flow in a ShockTunnel Facility," AIAA PaperNo. 91-1687.
4. J.L. Palmer and R.K. Hanson, "Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence Imaging in Free let Flows with VibrationalNunequilibrium," AlAA Paper No. 93-0046.