1. s: becn found for fineness ratios of 1, 2, 4, and 8. The flat-face height, for both the laminar and tur- 5. Baker, R. L. "Mcthod of Characteristics bulent eolutions, decreases as the fineness ratio rlecreaws. These shapes are qualitatively similar to those obtained earlier using Newtonian flow field approximalions. llowever, the potential reduction The Acrospace Corp., San Bernardino, Ca., in total hcat transfer through the usc of minimum Computer Pragram Including Embedded Shocks and Total Enthalpy Gradients Normal to Streamlines, 'I Report No. ATM71(S6816-53)-2,
2. Feb. 1971. b
3. "'Aerospace internal corrcspondence. Not available for external distSibutiun. b. Vaglio-Laurin, R."Laminar Heat Transfer lo.Greenstadt, J. "variations on Variable