1. An investigation into the potential of the reversed Stirling cycle heat pump
2. Cengel, Y. A. and Boles, M. A., 2002, Heat of Dens@ Heat of Vaporization ofLiquid Vaporization M/kd fi~/m') fMJ/m3) 2258 995 2247 1368 681 932 1102 791 872 842 789 665 836 703 588 766 782 599 768 815 626 605 883 534 557 446 248 527 Thermodynamics,an EngineeringApproach, 4" Edition, McGraw-Hill,Boston,ISBN0-07-112177-3,p. 590.
3. Lithium bromide high-temperature absorption heat pump: Coefficient of performance and exergetic efficiency