The effects of added mass on parachute inflation force coefficients


Lingard J


American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Reference8 articles.

1. The results ofrepeatingthe simulationsforan 8.53m Doflatcircularparachute, deployed verticallyat 40mk again atmassratios 0. I, 0.5 and 2.5,areshown in Figures 8-12. Forthissizeofparachute,thesemass ratiosrepresentsuspended masses of 62.1kg, 310.5 kg and 1553kg forp = 1.O. Although the individual added mass effectsare larger,comparedtothe overall forcecoefficient,duetothemorerapid rate ofchange ofparachute diameterlateinthe inflationprocess, the overall trendsaresimilar. Atthe higherma T: 'os the resultant forcecoefficient timefunctionsarenearly identical. Theopeningfactors predicted, 1.54and 1.6, are closeto thatobtained for flatcircularparachutes in wind tunnel tests(1.5). At mass ratio 0.1the force coefficient functiondiverges fromthat forthehigher mass ratios abover/t,=0.8,but againthis isafterthe peak inflation force.

2. Whilstthesimplemodel developed isagross simplification ofthe fluiddynamicsassociated with an inflatingparachute, it lendssupporttothepostulates used insemi-empiricalinflationmodels. If dimensionlessinflation time isconstant,then the dimensionlessforcecoefficient -timefbnctionis almost invariantwith mass ratio downto lowmass ratios. At lowmassratiothe functiondivergesfrom that forconstantvelocityinflation lateinthe inflation process, when addedmasstermshavethegreatest influence. However,since thisoccursafterpeak inflation force, semi-empiricalmethodsstillproduce goodpredictions. Addedmasslargelyappearsto determinethe inflationfactor-theratioofmaximumILingardJ.S."The AerodynamicsofParachutes Duringthe Inflation Process.", University of Bristol, DepartmentofAeronautical Engineering, PhD Thesis (1978)

3. Ludtke W.P."A techniqueforCalculation of the OpeningShockForces for SeveralTypes of SolidCloth Parachutes.", AlAA 73-477 (1973)

4. 'LingardJ.S."ASemi-EmpiricalTheorytoPredictthe LoadTime History ofan InflatingParachute.", RAE TechnicalReport 79141(1979)

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