1. !Merz, R.A. "The Turbulent Near-Wake of an Axisymmetric Blunt Based Body at Subsonic Speeds," Ph.D. Thesis, Mechanical,Industrialand Aerospace Engineering Department,Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J.May 1975.
2. 2McErlean, D.P. "The Near-Wake of a Blunt Based Axisymmetric Body at Mach 0.14," Ph.D. Thesis, Mechanical,Industrialand Aerospace Engineering Department,Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J.Jan. 1970.
3. 3Przirembel, C.E.G. "The Turbulent Near-Wake of an Axisymmetric Body at Supersonic Speeds," Ph.D. Thesis, Mechanical,Irfdustrialand Aerospace Engineering Department,Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J.June 1967.
4. Experimental Wake Flow Properties of a Viking '75 Entry Vehicle