1. B.W. Lowrie "Simulation of fliaht effects on aero-engine fan noise". AIAA Paper No. 75-463, March 1975.
2. B. K. Hadder "An investigation of possible cause for the reduction of fan noise in flight". AIAA Paper No. 76-585
3. N. Moishev, B. Lskshminarayana and D. E. Thompson. "Noise due ti interaction of boundary layer turbulence vith a compressor or a propulsor rotor". Paper No. 76-568 J. P. Roundhill and L. A. Schaut. "Nodel and Cull scale test r+sults relating to fan noise in-flight effects". AIAA Paper No. 75-405.
4. 9 B. V. Lowrie and D. R. Newby. "The Design and Calibration of a distortion-red:icing screen for fan noise testips". A I M Paper No. 77-1323