1. Mixon, J. S. and Herr, R. W. "An Investigation of Pressurized Thin-Walled Circular Cylinders Partially Filled with Liquid, I(NASA Technical Report R-145, (1962).
2. The Effect of an Internal Compressible Fluid Column on the Breathing Vibrations of a Thin Pressurized Cylindrical Shell
3. Reissner, E. "Notes on Forced and Free Vibrations of Pressurized Cylindrical Shells Which Contain a Heavy Liquid With a Free Surface, 'I Rept. No. GM-TR-87, AM No. 6-15, Contract No. A F 18-(600)-1190, Guided Missile Division, TRW Space Technology Laboratories, November 1956.
4. Leroy, Jean, "On Breathing Vibrations of Thin Cylinders Partially Full of Liquid, I' Comptes Rendus, 257, 18, pp.2607-2609, October 1963 (In French).