1. Guirguis, R.H., Grinstein, F.F.,Young, T.R., Oran, E.S., Kailasanath, K., Boris, J.P., Mixing Enhancement in Supersonic Shear Layers, AIAA-87-0369
2. A numerical study of mixing enhancement in supersonic reacting flow fields
3. Guirguis, R.H. Mixing Enhancement in Supersonic Shear Layers: 111.Effect of ConvectiveMach Number, AIAA-88-070 1.
4. Li, C. and Kailasanath, K., A Numerical Study of Transverse Jets into Supersonic Flows and Influence of Pressure Waves, AIAA-90-0733.
5. Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works