1. 11 0.8437 6.71050 x 5 12 1.4768 9.03290 x 10 12 1.9346 1.16518 x lo-' 20 12 2.6035 2.03347 x 10.' 40 12 3.3963 1.31912 x 10.' 60 6 4.0870 1.07495 x 10.'
2. 10-31 I ' Illqlll ' 111'1'1 I I 1'1111' I I l 11 J
3. 10-1 100 10' 102 103
4. Buoyancy parameter (GrDIRe& 7.95330 x 1.1170 0.5704 6.11637 x 1.8836 1.0701 6.02302 x 10.2 2.4517 1.4129 7.81062 x 3.4925 1.7144 3.88401 x 3.9729 2.8196 2.63017 x 4.6947 3.4793
5. *020247r Fig. 16 Comparison between experimental and calculated NuSSelt numbers for mlxed convection around a cylinder In cross-flow of air