1. PI"Pulse Detonation TechnologiesAdvance0022, Aviation Week& SpaceTech.,May 4,1998. "Edwards Lab Seeking High-Payoff Technology', Aviation Week and Space Technology,April 5, 1999. S, Tokarcik-Polsky and J.L. Cambier, "Numerical Study of Transient Flow in Shock Tunnels0022, AIAA Journal, vol. 32
2. (1994),971. 141 J.L. Cambier,"Developmentof Numerical
3. Akuowledgments This work was supportedby a contract@AS& 98035) from NASA Mar&all Space Flight Center(MSFC). Thehelp of J. Priceat NASAMSFC, D. Sobel at United Technologies ResearchCenter(UTRC) and T. Kaemming at Boeing Phantom Works (BOPW) is gratefully aknowledged l4L4A99-2659 35"'AL JointPropulsionConference,Los-Angeles,June1999.
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