1. The wall pressure fluctuations are largely studied in the literature to determine the vibroacoustic behaviour and predict the structural response of the surface. Bhat and Mixson [4] provided a theoretical assessment of the interior noise of a twin-propeller driven aircraft. They attributed the interior noise induced by the propellers to two primary sources,namelythesoundfieldgeneratedbythepropellersthemselvesandthesurfaceloadingofthefuselageexcitedby thepropellers. Intheirgeneralisedstructuralmodel,thewallpressurefluctuationsasaresultoftheclosely-mounted propellers are important input parameters (see Equation 2 in [4]). Subsequently, research work developing analytical andsemi-analyticalsolutions toaircraftinteriornoisethroughthe fuselage oftenmadeuse ofthefuselagewallpressure cross-spectraldensityintheirexternalnoisesource models [5-7].
2. TripA -0.67 20.2 -0.31 1 -0.38 17.5 -0.2 0.9 0.07 17.5 -0.2 0.92 0.21 18.7 -0.2 1
3. TripB -0.67 20.2 -0.31 1 -0.38 18.7 -0.23 0.93 0.07 17.5 -0.22 0.95 0.21 18.7 -0.21 1
4. TripC -0.67 18.7 -0.31 1 -0.38 17.5 -0.26 0.95 0.07 17.5 -0.31 1.08 0.21 18.7 -0.25 1.04