1. James L. Gaspar, Micah J. Solter and Richard S. Pappa, 2002, "Membrane Vibration Studies Using a Scanning Laser Vibrometer", NASA/TM-2002-211427, February 2002, pp.12, (6.4MB PS, 4.5MB PDF). Also presented at the 20th International Modal Analysis Conference, Los Angeles, CA, February 4-7,2002. Roger M. Glaese, Marc Regelbrugge, Kin-Fai Lore, Suzanne Smith, Eric Flint, 2003, "Modeling the Dynamics of Large Diameter Doubly Curved Shells Made From Thin Films", Abstract submitted, Proceedings of the 44thAIAA Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, Norfolk, VA, April7-10. Jonathan Hall, Eric M. Flint, Roger M. Glaese, 2002, "Characterization, Prediction, and Improvement of Stretched Flat Hexagonal Gossamer Membrane Dynamics Response", Paper # AIAA-2002-1378, Proceedings of the 43rdAIAA Structures, Structural Dynamics andMaterials Conference,Denver, CO. C. H. Jenkins, S. Kondareddy, S., 1999, "Dynamics of a Seamed Precision Membranes", Paper # AIAA99-1522, Proceedings of the 1999 SDM Conference, St. Louis,MO. Christopher H. M. Jenkins, Ed., 2001, "GossamerSpacecraft: Membrane and Inflatable Structures Technology forSpace Applications", Vol.191, AIAA Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics, AIAAPress,RestonVirginia. John O. Lassiter, R. Richard, G. Schunk, M. Tinker, K. Slade, 2001, " Multidisciplinary Testing of Thin-Film Inflatable Structures", Chapter 11 of Gossamer Spacecraft: Membrane/Inflatable Structures Technology for Space Applications, Chapter 11, AIAA,Washington,DC,pp.333-379. Sebastien Lienard, John Johnston, Brian Ross, James Smith, 2001, "Dynamic Testing of a Subscale Sunsheild for the Next Generation Space Telescope (NGST)", Paper # AIAA-2001-1268, Proceedings of the 42ndAIAA Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, Seattle,WA. Richard S. Pappa, John O. Lassiter, Brian P. Ross, 2001, "Structural Dynamics Experimental Activities in Ultra-Lightweight and Inflatable Space Structures", Paper # AIAA-2001-1263, Proceedings of the 42ndAIAA Structures, Structural Dynamics and MaterialsConference, Seattle,WA. Kara N. Slade, Michael L. Tinker, John O. Lassiter, Robert C. Engberg, 2000, "Comparison of Dynamic Characteristics for an Inflatable Solar Concentrator in Atmospheric and Thermal Vacuum Conditions", Paper # AIAA-2000-1641, Proceedings of the 2000 SDM Conference, AtlantaGA.