Model for prediction of normal-acceleration augmentation of composite-propellant combustion




1. Toronto, University, Canada


American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Reference25 articles.

1. P Propellant density (os) 1740 kg/m3 Propellant specific heat (Cs) 1510 Jlkg-K Propellant flame temperature (Tf) 3060 K Propellant surface temperature (TS) 1130 K Initial propellant temperature (Ti) 294 K Gas specific heat (C ) 1845 Jlkg-K

2. PPropellant surface roughness (E) 400 vn Gas Prandtl number (Pr) 0.82 Gas absolute viscosity (p) 8.1910-g/m-s Gas ratio of specific heats (y) 1.21 employed for the internal ballistics analysis incorporates an erosive burning model described by Constantinou and Greatri',i n addition t o the present acceleration-induced burning rate augmentation model. The predicted effect of spin rate on the head-end pressure-time profile of the example motor i s illustrated i n Fig. 5. The results are consistent with experimental data (Jackson et al.16) for a similar type of motor undergoing the same spin rate of 40 rps i n a static test firing. It should be noted that the pressure-dependent, crossflow-dependent , and normal acceleration-dependent components of overa l l burning rate are intrinsically coupled, and must be solved iteratively. The secondary effects on combustion due t o propellant deformation and stress. and those due to swirling flow i n the

3. Critical Review: Modeling of Acceleration Effects on Solid Propellant Combustion

4. A photographic and analytic study of composite propellant combustionin an acceleration field

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1. Prediction of the effects of acceleration on the burning of AP/HTPB solid propellants;39th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit;2001-01-08







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