1. Hofer, R. R., Katz, I., Mikellides, I. G., Goebel, D. M., Jameson, K. K. et al. "Efficacy of Electron MobilityModels in Hybrid-PIC Hall Thruster Simulations," Presented at the44th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit,AIAA-2008-4924,Hartford, CT, July20-23, 2008.
2. Hofer, R. R., Mikellides, I. G., Katz, I., and Goebel, D. M. "BPT-4000 Hall Thruster Discharge Chamber Erosion Model Comparison with Qualification Life Test Data," Presented at the30th International Electric Propulsion Conference, IEPC-2007-267,Florence, Italy, September 17-20,2007.
3. Mikellides, I. G., Katz, I., Hofer, R. R., and Goebel, D. M. "Hall-effect Thruster Simulations with 2-D Electron Transport and Hydrodynamic Ions," Presented at the31st International Electric Propulsion Conference, IEPC-2009-114, Ann Arbor,MI,September 20 -24,2009.
4. Magnetic shielding of the channel walls in a Hall plasma accelerator
5. Yim, J. T., Keidar, M., and Boyd, I. D. "A Hydrodynamic-Based Erosion Model for Hall Thrusters," Presented at the29th International ElectricPropulsion Conference, IEPC-2005-013,Princeton, NJ, October31 -November4,2005.