1. In the following, the generalized EoS for mixtures of fluids is summarized, including details on how to deal with mixtures that are chemically reacting. Then the HBMS single-species EoS is introduced,4-6and a few necessary thermodynamic properties are derived, including fugacities. Numerical results are presented for a simple air dissociation mixture, with the goal of assessing the importance of deviations from the singlespecies thermally perfect laws. Next, a simple combustion mixture is examined involving hydrogen and oxygen, and detailed results are obtained to assess the effects of having most of the non-monoatomic species follow the HBMS EoS.
2. At this point, Eq. (5) can be used as an Equation of State: what one needs is a complete set of pure substance EoS that would yield species specific volumes for a given pressure and temperature. A few simple EoS have been investigated in a previous study.2The more complicated (and accurate) HBMS formula4-6will be investigated in the present study. This EoS is commonly used in combustion problems.
3. k [X]k≡T.
4. A general species EoS that has been widely used in combustion problems is the one originally developed byHirshfelderetal.4-6denotedhereastheHBMSEoS.Itfollowsthegeneralfunctionalformp = pi(T, (v)∗i), which was employed before, however, it features different forms in the gasf, dense gasg, and liquidhregions of the state diagram.