1. Arghode, V. K., Yu, K. H., Gupta, A. K., Colorless Distributed Combustion (CDC): Effect of Flowfield Configuration, 47thAIAA AerospaceSciences Meeting, 5-8 January2009, OrlandoFlorida,Paper no. AIAA-2009-0253.
2. Arghode, V., and Gupta, A.K. Numerical Simulations for CDC Combustor Development, 7thIntl. Symposium on High Temperatureair Combustion andGasification,Phuket, Thailand, January13-16, 2008.
3. Arghode, V. K., Gupta, A. K., Investigation of Fuel/Air Mixing Characteristics in a CDC Combustor, 19thInternational Symposiumfor Air BreathingEngines, Montreal, Canada,7-11September 2009.
4. Development of Advanced Industrial Furnace Using Highly Preheated Combustion Air