In-Flight Precision Airdrop Planner Follow-On Development Program


Hattis Philip1,Angermueller Kai1,Fill Thomas1,Wright Robert2,Benney Richard3,LeMoine David3,King Dennis4


1. Charles Stark Draper Laboratory Inc.

2. Planning Systems Inc.

3. Natick Soldier Center

4. AMWC Combat Aerial Delivery School


American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Reference50 articles.

1. Figure1. Thetop-level functionality of theprototype PADSsystemcomponents. The prototype version of PAPS included detailed models of G-12D standard Army cargo parachutes as well as 26 ft RS parachutes while assuming that both use a standard A22 (roughly 64 cubic foot) payload container. These airdrop system models account for effects of roll-out from the carrier aircraft, parachute deployment and deceleration, as well as "steady state" descent dynamics. A number of flight tests preceding the prototype system demonstration were performed that achieved payload delivery results consistent with the demonstration. The results of the prototype system test and demonstration drops that were performed using 26ftRSparachutesaresummarized inTable 1. The PAPS simulation that generates the CARPs also can provide an expected airdrop system descent trajectory. This PAPS feature enables definition of a reference trajectory to facilitate very accurate delivery of payloads that have low lift/drag steering capability. The prototype PAPS PC serial port was used to output desired reference trajectory data that were transmitted to guided airdrop systems by an external wireless modem mounted in the carrier aircraft cargo bay. Guided airdrop system tests and demonstrations relying on reference trajectories transmitted in flight from the prototypeversionof PAPSwere successfullyperformed in parallel with the ballistic PAPS airdrops, including releases of the Affordable Guided Airdrop System (AGAS).1,2More details about the prototype PAPS and WindPADS system development and demonstration program then the space here allows are provided in previous papers.3,4,5Based on the successful development and demonstration of the PAPS and WindPADS prototype systems, a follow-on program was initiated in May 2002 that is focused on developing a single PC-based Precision Airdrop System (PADS) that combines PAPS and WindPADS with new, user-friendly GUIs and significant additional features. This paper provides the follow-on PADS program objectives, its development status, its initial flight test experience, possible developmentextensions, andconclusions.

2. 7/12/01 01-271 10,800 ft 98 1 - 7 kts 2225 Ib; in-flight dropsonde data;

3. m aircraft position error at release 7/12/01 01-272 10,800 ft 130 1 - 7 kts 1485 Ib; in-flight dropsonde data;

4. m aircraft position error at release 8/06/01 01-333 10,700 ft 235 3 - 17 kts 2225 Ib; local radiosonde data (2-3 hours old);

5. m aircraft position error at release 8/06/01 01-334 10,700 ft 142 3 - 17 kts 1085 Ib; local radiosonde data (2-3 hours old);

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1. References;Precision Aerial Delivery Systems: Modeling, Dynamics, and Control;2015-01-01

2. Autonomous Large Parafoil Guidance, Navigation, and Control System Design Status;19th AIAA Aerodynamic Decelerator Systems Technology Conference and Seminar;2007-05-21

3. Providing Means for Precision Airdrop Delivery from High Altitude;AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit;2006-06-15

4. An On-Board Mission Planning System to Facilitate Precision Airdrop;Infotech@Aerospace;2005-06-15

5. An On-Board 4D Atmospheric Modeling System to Support Precision Airdrop;Infotech@Aerospace;2005-06-15







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