1. 1Whitford,R.,DesignforAirCombat,Jane'sPublishing,London,1987.
2. 2Davis, W.F.,and Goldstein, D.L. "Experimental investigationat supersonicspeeds ofTwin-scoop duct inlets ofequal area. I.Aninletenclosing61.5percentofthemaximumcircumference of the forebody", NACA RM-A7J27, Jan.1948.
3. 3Davis, W.F., and Goldstein, D.L. "Experimental investigation at supersonic speeds of twin-scoop duct inlets of equal area. II. Effects of slots upon an inlet enclosed 61.5 percent of the maximum circumference of the forebody", NACA RM-A8C11, June1948.
4. 5Stroud,J.F."ExperimentalInvestigationoftheEffect ofForebodyBluntnessonthe PressureRecoveryand DragofaTwin-Scoop Inlet-BodyCombinationatMachNumbersOf1.4and 1.7,"NACA RM A51K14,Feb.1952.