1. Meyerhoff, C. and Gordge, D. "Navy Developmental Test (DT-IIA) of the MV-22 Aircraft, Contributory Test Report, Rotor Downwash," Technical Report, Naval Air Test Center, Patuxent River, MD 1990.
2. Vorwald, J. "Analysis of V-22 Outflow Flowfield," Technical Report, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division, Bethesda, MD. to be published.
3. Raghavan, V., McCroskey, W.J., Van Dalsam,W.R.,and Baeder,J.D."Calculationsof the Flow Past Bluff Bodies, IncludingTilt-Rotor WingSectionsatAlpha =90Deg,"AIAAPaper 90-0032, Jan 1990.
4. Navier-Stokes computation of wing/rotor interaction for a tilt rotorin hover