1. ' o t. Carl E . ,Kempel, Robert W., and Larson, Richard R ."Backup Flight Control System fora Highly Msneuverable Remotely Piloted Research Vehicle,"AIAA Paper 80-1761, Aug. 1980.
2. 3eteraen,Kevin L."Flight Control Systems Development of Highly Maneuverable Aircraft Technology (HiR'LAT) Vehicle ."AIAA Paper 79-1789, Aug. 1979.
3. 4arney.Paul F."Diversity Techniques fcr Omnidirectional Telemetry Coverage of the KiMAT Research Vehicle ,'I NASA TI?1830, 1981.
4. Roll angle rate +250°/sec Pitch angle ratc +1OoO/sec Yaw angle rate +lOOO/sec Normal acceleration 14 to -8 g Lateral acceleration +3 g Static prcssure 0 to 15.27 Ib/inz 50 Static pressure rate 20.C75 Ib/in 2/sec 50 Impact pressure 0 to 10.42 Ib/in 2 lmpact pressure rate to.52081b/in 2/sec 50 Radar Altitude 0 to 5,000 ft 50