1. Tobak, M. and Schiff, L.B."A Nonlinear Aerodynamic Moment Formulation and i t s Implications for Dynamic Stability Testing". AIAA paper No. 71-275.
2. Tobak, M. and Schiff, L.B. "Nonlinear Aerodynamics of Aircraft in High-Angle-of-Attack Maneuvers. AIAA paper No. 74-85.
3. Levin, D. and Katz, J. "A Vortex-Lattice Method for the Cilculation of the Elonsteady Separated Flow over Delta Wings". AIAA paper 80-1803.
4. Method for calculating wing loading during maneuvering flight along a three-dimensional curved path
5. A discrete vortex method for the non-steady separated flow over an airfoil