Hypersonic vehicle propulsion - A CFD application case study




1. United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT

2. United Technologies Corp., Pratt and Whitney,West Palm Beach, FL


American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Reference45 articles.

1. Coitipiitcil and mcasured spccic conrciitratioii pmfilrs arc prcscntcil for R stat,ionmrasurrd nrsross 1,Iicdiicl mil iplanc, 90.0 slot liciglits downstream of tlic injcdioii iplanc. Tlir UTSP,\RIl rcsiilt,s includo hot,h reacting and rmnwactiiig miis. Thc liydrogcn, osygcrr and nituogcii WSIIIISchorvn in Figures 1013coiripase fnvoral)ly with ilrc ni(-acurcd rlnla. Thecritical water vapor prodiict comparison, wliidi providcs a rncaswc of thc combustion cficicncy, IIOIVCI.CI. is ICSSsat, isfactory Wliilc tlic location of tlic flame front is correctly prcdicted, theprcdictcd production peak hrl isonly 67 pcrcrnt of the measured valuc (rrlativeto frccstrcarn). Tlir nw mcrical nqdity of thcse calculations arc exaiviiird in Fig. 14, whcrc the axial variationin hydrogm and orygcn atom bnlancr is cxnmined. In this lattcr display, tlrc t,otal atoirl balance shonld be constant. Tha errors sccn in Figs. 1.1-15, increase axially asthe mesh spacingincreases. A notcofcaution should be mentioned concrming riin times, considering t,hrconclusions of oiir earlicr NS study. Sf oiic rrsorts to the mesh dcnsitics previously citcd as ncrcssary to PSOIYD sliock and sidace shear laycr fcatures (100 x loo), nnc can cstiL matc that this case would require approximntcly 40 1 u rsof CTIL X-MP CPU for 25,000 time skp iterations.

2. 11; Henry, J.R. Anderson, G.Y, "Design Considerations for the Air-frame Integrated Scramjet," NASA TM X2895,1973.

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1. CFD for hypersonic airbreathing aircraft;11th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics








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