1. ElmiliguiA.RiversS. M.WalkerE. “Numerical Study of the High-Speed Leg of the National Transonic Facility,” Advanced Wind Tunnel Boundary Simulation II, NATO Science and Technology Organization (STO) Applied Vehicle Technology (AVT) Panel Specialists’ Meeting, STO-MP-AVT-338-02, May 2021.
2. RiversS. M.NayaniS. N.TinettiA. F.BrynildsenS. E.FerrisR. J. “Numerical Study of the High-Speed Leg of the National Transonic Facility,” Advanced Wind Tunnel Boundary Simulation, NATO Science and Technology Organization (STO) Applied Vehicle Technology (AVT) Panel Research Workshop, STO-MP-AVT-284-13, April 2018.
3. The NASA tetrahedral unstructured software system (TetrUSS)
4. Toward Verification of USM3D Extensions for Mixed Element Grids
5. Improved Convergence and Robustness of USM3D Solutions on Mixed-Element Grids