1. CooleyC. G.LewisJ. G. “Viking 75 Project: Viking Lander System Primary Mission Performance Report,” CR-145148, April 1977.
2. EckstromC. V.PreisserJ. S. “Flight Test of a 30-Foot-Nominal-Diameter Disk-Gap-Band Parachute Deployed at a Mach Number of 1.56 and a Dynamic Pressure of 11.4 Pounds Per Square Foot,” NASA TM X-1451, Aug. 1967.
3. PreisserJ. S.EckstromC. V. “Flight Test of a 40-Foot-Nominal-Diameter Disk-Gap-Band Parachute Deployed at a Mach Number of 1.91 and a Dynamic Pressure of 11.6 Pounds Per Square Foot,” NASA TM X-1575, Aug. 1968.
4. PreisserJ. S.GrowR. B. “High Altitude Flight Test of a Reefed 12.2-Meter Diameter Disk-Gap-Band Parachute With Deployment at a Mach Number of 2.58,” NASA TN D-6469, Aug. 1971.
5. System design overview of the Mars Pathfinder parachute decelerator subsystem