Johnson Jamie,Anthony Richard
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Reference13 articles.
1. Johnson,J.J.,King,P.I.,andClark,J.P."OptimizationofaLowHeatLoadTurbineInletVane,PartI-CFD Code Validation and Airfoil Redesign", Proceedings of the 9thAIAA/ASME JointThermophysicsand HeatTransfer Conference, SanFrancisco, CA, June 2006. AIAAPaper No. 2006-3386.
2. Johnson, J. J., King, P. I., and Clark, J. P. "Optimization of a Low Heat Load Turbine Inlet Vane, Part II - Short-Duration Shock Tunnel Experiments", Proceedings of the 9thAIAA/ASME Joint Thermophysics and Heat Transfer Conference, SanFrancisco, CA, June 2006. AIAAPaperNo.2006-3386.
3. Schlichting, H. and Gersten, K., Boundary Layer Theory, 8thRevised and Enlarged Edition, Springer-Verlag, NewYork, 2001, pp.420-423.