1. Figure 2
2. e e e e e e 1.28 40 4.73 o.0182 1. 664 1.4 13.95 4.3 o.0236 3.328 1. 4 13. 95 4.3 0.0334 1. 664 1.4 13. 95 4.3 o.0472 o.832 of 3-24 port scanivalve modules. Model surface pressure taps were connected to the scanivalve ports with stainless steel tubing.
3. This series shows the typical behavior that is observed for supersonic free stream Mach numbers
4. The variation of the forebody axial force coefficient with Mach number for the fortyfive degree and sixty degree aeroshell models without retrothrust (CT = 0) was compared with experimental data from previous wind tunnel tests performed by NASA6-8 and .JPL 9 and was in very close agreement over the complete range of Mach numbers investigated. The use of a corner to base radius ratio of re/rm = 0. 06 in the present test caused a reduction in the axial force coefficient of about five (5) percent below the sharp cornered cone data. A similar effect was observed previouslylO at Meo = 3. 0.
5. d*/dm=0.0334 -0.8 L__- _ _J___ J_ _ _j_ __ J_ _ _J___ __ L___