1. Federal Ministry of Research and Technology initiated Finally, ram combustor and nozzle investigations are in 1988 a hypersonic technology programme based on a discussed. Integrated work, consisting of proven reference concept for a two-stage, fully reusable analytical tools and experimental investigations, i s space transport system. Four kev areas were carried out to meet a l l the challenges in designing a identified: light-weight, highly loaded, highly efficient - airbreathing propulsion, component. This i s done within the framework of a - aerothermodynamics, carefully devised step-by-step investigation. 1. Introduction The objective of this programme i s t o establish a
2. whole effort and money i s propulsion related. copyrighto 1992bytheAmericanInstituteof Sludies
3. Hypersonic Techno 1ogy Programme This paper describes the status of activities The selected propulsion assembly consists of a 2-0 concerning the airbreathing propulsion system. As inlet, a turbo engine featuring a closure mechanism mentioned above, this i s one of the main challenges. for protecting the rotating machinery during ram
4. Operation at extreme temperatures, a ram combustor Joint propulsion study groups were established under providing a single source of propulsion beyond Mach the leadership of MTU. Members of these groups are 3.5, and a 2-0 nozzle incorporating the rear fuselage u industrial partners, institutes (DLR) and univer- of the airframe for increased expansion ratios a t sities. VOLVO (Sweden) i s contributing t o the air- high speeds. The entire assembly i s characterized by breathing propulsion activities as an international a high degree o f airframe/powerplant integration. partner. gives an overview of the status of Some of the propulsion system restraints and requirethe international cooperation. ments are outlined in - Fig. 3 Airbreathing Propulsion - Status of