1. 2Caceres, M. A. "EELV Program Reaches Maturity," Military Aerospace Technology, Vol.2, No. 1, 2 Feb 2003. (http://www.military-aerospace-technology.com/article.cfm?DocID=93).
2. 3Chase, R. and Tang, M. "The Quest for Single Stage Earth-to-Orbit: TAV, NASP, DC-X and X-33 Accomplishments, Deficiencies, and Why They Did Not Fly," AIAA 2002-5143, 11th AIAA/AAAFInternational Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems TechnologyConference, Orleans, France, September 2002.
3. 4United States Air ForceScientificAdvisoryBoard, "Whyand Whither Hypersonics Research in theU. S.Air Force,"SABTR-00-03,United States Air Force, December 2003, pp.27-28.