1. Metallic nozzles are state-of-the-art and the baseline solution for cryogenic engines in Europe. Together with Volvo Aero Corporation and Snecma/Safran, the Volvo sandwich nozzle manufacturing technology is introduced into a full-scale demonstrator programme.6This channel wall nozzle offers its potential for dump-cooled nozzle structures for gas-generator cycle engines, and also for regenerative-cooled nozzles typically foreseen for staged-combustion engines. Through TEKAN 2010, TCA-relevant activities are conducted at EADS-ST to support the full-scale demonstration on engine level within the forthcoming years, thereby enablingEurope's space propulsion industry to reach TRL=6 with advanced metallic nozzle structures. It is also recognized that the metallic nozzle concept is the only concept offering dual-use capabilities for bothELV and RLV applications. Launcher Application E. Engine Components Technology
2. Within TEKAN 2010, the valve feasibility will be especially explored for high pressure applications up to 500 bar asa complementaryactivityto the EuropeanFuture Launcher PreparatoryProgramme, FLPP.8
3. Huzel, D.K., and Huang, D. Modern Engineering for Design of Liquid-Propellant Rocket-Engines, Vol.147, AIAAProgress inAstronautics and Aeronautics,1992.