1. Trajectory Analysis and Staging Trades for Smaller Mars Ascent Vehicles
2. 4Lu, F., and Miller, S. "Initial Design Study for a Lightweight, High Performance, High Pressure Bipropellant Rocket Engine," JANNAF Second Liquid Propulsion Subcommittee/First Spacecraft Propulsion Subcommittee Joint Meeting Proceedings,Monterey,Calif.,December2005,ChemicalPropulsion Information Analysis Center (CPIAC) JSC CD-43.
3. 5Lewis, J., Grimes-Ledesma, L., Essandoh, V., Harris, J., Cain, S., and Bishop-Behal, K. "Development of Ultralight Composite-Overwrapped Propellant Tanks," JANNAF Second Liquid Propulsion Subcommittee/First Spacecraft Propulsion Subcommittee Joint Meeting Proceedings, Monterey, Calif., December 2005, Chemical Propulsion Information Analysis Center (CPIAC)JSCCD-43.