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2. 2Neff, G. R. and Neff, J. K. "Testing of Non-hermetic Initiators for Improved Airbag System- Issues and Needs," Proceedings ofthe 2005 SAEWorld Congress, SP-1937, SAEInternational,Warrendale, Pennsylvania, 2005.
3. 3Neff, G.R., Neff, J.K., Peterson, L., and K.K. Rink, "Non-Hermetic Impulse Cartridge Failures: A Case Study,"42ndAIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEEJoint Propulsion Conference andExhibit, Sacramento, California, 2006.
4. Fundamental considerations concerning the detection of gross leaks in bridge-wire initiators
5. 5Neff,G.R.,Neff,J.K.,Neyer,B.T.,andK.K.Rink,"InadequacyofTraditionalTestMethodsforDetectionofNon-Hermetic Energetic Components," 50thAnnual Fuse Conference, National Defense Industry Association, Norfolk, Virginia, May9-11,2006, http://www.dtic.mil/ndia/2006fuze/2006fuze.html