1. Name Shared Aircraft A Aircraft B p Cost $365 $983 g1 Range (nmi) 3400 8200 g2 TOFL (ft) 7000 10000 g3 LFL (ft) 3308 3515 g4 γ2 0.024 0.024 g5 stab 0.100 0.100 g6 ˆσ1 -0.330 0.000 g7 ˆσ2 -0.240 0.000 g8 ˆσ3 0.000 0.000 x1 WTO(lbs) 356·103531·103x2 thrust (lbs) 47:4·10377:8·103x3 Xwing 0.25 0.27 x4 Sh=Sref 0.20 0.20 x5 AltI(ft) 35:6·10332:0·103x6 AltF(ft) 44:0·10341:1·103x7 Mach 0.835 0.822 x8 flapTO(deg) 12.1 2.4 x9 Swt(ft2) 129.8 57.4 x10 Swm(ft2) 3:95·1033:95·103x11 ARwm 8.01 8.01 x12 (t=c) 0.130 0.130 x13 Λ (deg) 35.0 35.0 x14 T1(in) 0.95 0.95 x15 T2(in) 0.74 0.74 x16 T3(in) 0.40 0.40
2. Use of the collaborative optimization architecture for launch vehicle design
3. 3Braun, R., Collaborative Optimization: An Architecture For Large-Scale Distributed Design, Ph.D. thesis,Stanford University, April 1996.
4. 4Manning, V., Large-Scale Design of Supersonic Aircraft Via Collaborative Optimization, Ph.D. thesis,Stanford University, 1999.