Contributions of the Transonic Dynamics Tunnel to the testing of active control of aeroelastic response


Perr Boyd1,Noll Thomas1,Scott Robert1


1. NASA, Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA


American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Reference59 articles.

1. The fluUcr suppression control syst.em consisted of the two cont.rol surfaces and t.lieir correspo 11di 11g actuators, laws i111plemc 11tedon an analog compt 1tcr. and two accclero 111ctcrs. Thr: accelcromet.ers were located along a cl 1nrdwise strip Yer' near the inboard edge of t.he cont,rol surfacrs, one nt. about.Wpercent of the local chord and the other at. about 70 percent. \Vithi 11 t.lie analog co 111p11t.erthe outputs of the were once lo obtain velocities, integrated again t.o obtain deftect.ious, and then conihined t.oproduce 1iormalizcd pluugc and displace 111ent.s and 11ormalized plirnge and rates along the The control :urface deftect.ion:c;co 111-111anded b,v the co 111.rollaw WE'relinear co 111bi 11atio 11s of these di:place 111cntsand rates. Control laws A, B mod, and C mod were i111pleme 11t.edby changing 111dcrset.tings.

2. The succe.s of flight, investigations in the 1)(j{)sto reduce the dy 11amic response of the XB-iO and the 8-'"iLE aircraft. due t.o gusts opened t.hc gateway t.o a 111ultit.ude of act,ivc control swdies and applicaLions. tu co 11jundion with t.lie B-5:!E flight. 11, a Ij:Hlt.h scale, full-pan, free-flying B-1:2c1eroclastic willC1-1.unncl 111odelwa_.const,ructed and tested in t.he TDT. The 11,odcl was dynamically scaled to 111ilkh the fir:1.11i11ymmdric ciafitic \'ibratio 11 111odcs of the flight vehicle (frequcw:y range from O 1.0 LE°>1-Iz). The

3. In parallel with Controlled Configured Vehicles (CCV) flight test program using the B-52E aircraft, an investigation7sponson-d by the Air Force Flight Dynamics Laboratory (AFFDL) with Boeing aud in cooperation with the NASA LaRC was initiated to: 1) develop act.ive control concept evaluation techniques through wind-tunnel testing; 2) demonstrate that. aircraft activf' control systems can be simulated with wind-tunnel models; 3) obtain experimental data for validating analysis result.s and methods; and 4) obtain data for corr<'lat.ion with t.lw B-52E flight test results. The impetus behind this investigation was the availability of the previously-tested J/:lOth scale U-52 aeroelastic wind-tunnel model.

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