1. E. J. Simburger, "PowerSphere Concept," The Aerospace Corporation, Proceedings of Government Microcircuit Applications Conference, 8-11March 1999.
2. David G. Gilmore, Edward J. Simburger, Michael J. Meshishnek, David M. Scott, Dennis A. Smith, Alonzo Prater, James H. MatsumotoandMargotL.Wasz,TheAerospace Corporation, "Thermal Design Aspects of the PowerSphere Concept," Proceedings of Micro/Nano Technology for Space Applications Conference, 11-15,April 1999.
3. Edward J. Simburger, David Scott, Dennis Smith, David Gilmore, Mike Meshishnek, and MegAbraham,TheAerospace Corporation and Frank R. Jeffery, Iowa Thin Film Technologies, Inc. "Development of a Thin Film Amorphous Silicon Space Solar Cell for the PowerSphere Concept," 16thSpace Photovoltaic Research and Technology Conference, 30August- 2 September1999.