1. The dissociation rates for molecular oxygen from the sion Vehicles," AIAA Paper No. 90.1696, June 1990. Kang and Dunn reaction rate set, tlie Park (87) set, and the Park (91) set are nearly equal for the rapiddissociation flowfields considered. The major difference between the three reaction rate sets is their ionization
2. 4Gnoffo,P.A.and Greene, F. A,"AComput,ational percent. The Park (87) ionization rates are the slowest Study of the Flowfield Surrounding the Aeroassist Flight and produce a maximum degree of ionization of only 15 Experiment Vehicle," AIAA Paper No. 87-1375, June percent.
3. While convective heating is unaffected by the model variations cxamined ( all solutions near 100 W/em 2 at 1987.