1. VOI. 29, pp 195-211 1976.
2. by difleren: wmhru conditioner for different subsystem and usirs different adanical structures to each parts tor releasing interim ener 6y of mtwials a d acoderating the plasm. the mibilitu of iwrovins thruster perlornurice kow 5 nui-erealizd. At the saw ti= the idea of this kind of hyirtrid Propulsion presented in the paper Iws sow rwileiieew-ttsuch as to further trill its riractiml to build reawnable power conditioner AIM 87-1092.1Sth IEPC May 11-13 1987. for prollantmiversion and for acceleration of plasm to fird effdivem)raniinl :ti uLture of different pur poses and SO on. IIIaddition a iwsonable owration loode ot sucla thrustci is stiI I an quite imwtmt subjmt. But the final conclusion renurks should be verified only tliiough enoud exim ieiks.
3. W;LR kricht 88-02