1. "Shudy of Stability and Control Moment GyroWobblc Damping of Flcxiblc, Spinning Space Stztions," H. Bcrman. J. Markowitz. W. Ilolmrr. Gnimman Rcport February 1972, under contract to NASA/ MSC (NAS9-11001).
2. "Stiidy of Control Moment Gyro Applications to Spacr Base Yobhlc Damping and Attitude Control, Grumnian Rcpori GCR70-4, September 1970, Under Contract NASA/MSC.
3. "Simple Approximations for Optimum Wobble Jhmping of Rotnling Satellites Using a ChlG," Austin F., Berman, ti., AlAA Journal (tobe published).