1. Aeroacoustic Environments on Prospective Space Shuttle Vehicles," TM X-2570, July 1972, NASA. 2peaker,W. F. and Ailman, C. M. "Spectra and
2. Space-time Correlations of the Fluctuating Pressures at a Wall Beneath a Supersonic Turbulent Boundary Layer Perturbed by Steps and Shock Waves," Douglas Rept. SM-49806, Nov. 1965. 3owson,M. V. "Prediction of the Inflight Fluc
3. G (f)um/d6 = expi-8.094 - 1.239- 0.295x2 P 4hyu,W. J. and Hanly, R. D. "Power- and Cross
4. Spectra and Space-Time Correlations of Surface - 0.090x3 - 0.014x4 - 0.001x5) (7) Fluctuating Pressures at Mach Numbers Between