1. Dickey, J. O., Bentley, C. R., Bilham, R., Carton, J. A., Eanes, R. J., Herring, T. A., Kaula, W. M., Lagerloef, G. S. E., Rojstaczer, S., Smith, W. H. F., Van den Dool, H. M., Wahr, J. M., and Zuber, M. T., Satellite Gravity and the Geosphere: Contributionsto the Study of the Solid Earth and Its Fluid Envelope, National Research Council,National AcademyPress, Washington,DC, 1997, pp.1-6, 29-33, 36.
2. Direct measurements of the Earth's gravitational potential using a satellite pair
3. Description of the Dedicated Gravitational Satellite Mission (GRAVSAT)