1. Radiatively driven hypersonic wind tunnel
2. S.Macheret, G.Williams, G.Comas, C.Meinrenken, W.Lempert, and R.Miles, "Energy Addition and Thermalization Issues inaRadiatively Driven HypersonicWind Tunnel", Paper AIAA 95-2142.
3. S.Macheret, C.Meinrenken, G.Williams, W.Gillespie, W.Lempert, and R.Miles, "Radiative Energy Addition to High Pressure SupersonicAir", Paper AIAA 96-1984.
4. G.L. Nelson and G. Simmons, "Augmentation of Hypersonic Propulsion Testing Facilities Using MHD", Paper AIAA 95-1937.
5. I.V.Adamovich, J.W.Rich, and G.L.Nelson, "Feasibility Study of MHDAcceleration of Unseeded and Seeded Air Flows", PaperAIAA 96-2347.