1. Jameson, A. 'Time Dependent Calculations Using Multi-grid, with Applications to Unsteady Flows Past Airfoils and Wings,' AIAA Paper 91-1596.
2. Arnone, A., Liou, M-S.and Povinelli, L. A. 'Multi-grid Time-Accurate Integration of Navier-Stokes Equations,' AIAA Paper 93-3361.
3. Weiss, J.M.and Smith, W.A. 'Preconditioning Applied to Variable and Constant Density Time-Accurate Flows on Unstructured Meshes,' AIAA Paper 94-2209.
4. Rai, M. M. 'Naiver-Stokes Simulations of Blade-Vortex Interaction Using High-Order Accurate Upwind Schemes,' AIAA Paper 87-0543.
5. Merkle, C. L. and Athavale, M. 'A Time Accurate Unsteady Incompressible Algorithm Based on Artificial Compressibility,' AIAA Paper 87-1137.