1. DavisW. F.GoldsteinD. L. “Experimental Investigation at Supersonic Speeds of Twin-Scoop Duct Inlets of Equal Area. I—An Inlet Enclosing 61.5 Percent of the Maximum Circumference of the Forebody,” NACA RM-A7J27, Jan. 1948.
2. DavisW. F.GoldsteinD. L. “Experimental Investigation at Supersonic Speeds of Twin-Scoop Duct Inlets of Equal Area. II.—Effects of Slots upon an Inlet Enclosed 61.5 Percent of the Maximum Circumference of the Forebody,” NACA RM-A8C11, June 1948.
3. MartinN. J.HolzhauserC. A. “Analysis of Factors Influencing the Stability Characteristics of Symmetrical Twin-Intake Air-Induction Systems,” NACA TN-2049, March 1950.
4. StroudJ. F. “Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Forebody Bluntness on the Pressure Recovery and Drag of a Twin-Scoop Inlet-Body Combination at Mach Numbers of 1.4 and 1.7,” NACA RM A51K14, Feb. 1952.