1. The author has attempted to review works related to the research in supersonic flow theory at Cornell during the earlier period of W.R. Sears' Graduate School of Aeronautical Engineering. Owing to the author's limitation and inclination, this article cannot do justice to his peers at Ithaca and elsewhere. The revisit nevertheless has given him an opportunity to reflect on the subject, which proves to be very rewarding. This is certainly an Ueberschallgeschwdigket,Luflfahrtfgrschung 12, 210-220 (1935)
2. Sears, W R and Tan HS, The Aerodynamics of Supersonc Blplane, (luart_Appl Math 9 No 1 67-76. (1960)
3. Evvard J C, Dlstrtbutonof Wave Drag and LftIn the Vlclnlty of Wing TIPS at SupersocSpeed, NACA TN 1382 (1947)