1. Paolo Gessini, Stephen B. Gabriel, David G. Fearn, "The Hollow Cathode as a Micro-Ion Thruster," IEPC-01-233, 27thInternational Electric Propulsion Conference, October14-19,2001andReferencestherein.
2. Michael J. Patterson, John E. Foster, "Hollow Cathode Micro-Thruster Performance," IEPC-01-226, 27thInternational Electric Propulsion Conference, October14-19,2001.
3. Stephen W. Patterson, David G. Fearn, "The Generation of High Energy Ions in Hollow Cathode Discharges," IEPC-99-125, 26thInternational Electric Propulsion Conference, October17-21,1999andReferences therein.
4. Mark W. Crofton, Iain D. Boyd, "Plume Measurement and Modeling Results for a Hollow Cathode Micro-Thruster," AIAA-2001-3795, 37thAIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, July8-11, 2001.
5. George J. Williams, Scott D. Kovaleski, "Near-Field Plasma Characterization of a 15 A Hollow Cathode via Laser Diagnostics," AIAA-2002-2192, 33rdPlasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, May20-23,2002.