1. Recent advances in aero-optics
2. 2Liepmann, H.W. "Deflection and Diffusion of a Light Ray Passing Through a Boundary Layer," Report SM-14397, DouglasAircraftCompany,SantaMonicaDivision,California,16May1952.
3. 3Stine, H.A. and Winovich, W. "Light Diffusion Through High-Speed Turbulent Boundary Layers," NACA Research Memorandum,NACARMA-56B21,Washington,25May1956.
4. Effect of turbulent fluctuations in an optically active fluid medium.
5. 5Malley, M.M, Sutton, G.W., and Kincheloe, N. "Beam-jitter measurements of turbulent aero-optical path differences," AppliedOptics,Vol.31,No.22,1August1992,pp.4440-4443.