1. Studies with an Aerodynamically Instrumented Shock Tube
2. Hertzberg, A. and Russo, A. Experimental Investigation of a Resonant Wave Engine. CAL Report DD-799-A-2 (June1954). Glick, H.S., Squire, W., and Hertzberg, A. A New Shock Tube Technique for the Study of High-Temperature Gas-Phase Reactions. Fifth Symposium (International) on Combustion, Reinhold Publishing Corp. New York, pp393-402 (1955) Squire, W., Hertzberg, A., and Smith, W.E., Real Gas Effects in a Hypersonic Shock Tunnel. CAL Report AD789-A-1, AEDC-TN-55-14, AD 56189 (March1955) Hertzberg, A., Smith, W.E. and Glick, H.S., and Squire, W., Modifications of the Shock Tube for the Generation of Hypersonic Flow. CAL Report AD-789-A-2, AEDC-TN-55-15,AD 56190 (March1955) Glick, H.S., Hertzberg, A., and Smith, W.E., Flow Phenomena in Starting a Hypersonic Shock Tunnel. CAL Report AD-789-A-3, AEDC-TN-55-16, AD 56231 (March1955). Hertzberg, A., Squire, W., and Glick, H.S., The CAL Pressure Wave Chemical Reactor. CAL Report AD-1052-A-`3, AFOSR TN64-2530(Jan. 1956).
3. Flax, A.H., Hertzberg, A., and Smith, W.E. A New Method for Providing Continuous High- Temperature Air Flowfor Hypersonic Research, CAL Report CAL-79,AFOSR TN 56-236, AD 88356 (May 1956). Hertzberg, A. and Logan, J.G., The Application of the Shock Tube to the Study of Aerothermal Problems of High-Speed Flight. Proceedings of the Conference on Chemical Aeronomy (June 1956; also Threshold of Space, PergamonPress, New Yorkpp.276-287(1957). Hertzberg, A., The Application of the Shock Tube to the Study of the Problems of Hypersonic Flight. Jet Propulsion, Vol. 26, No. 6,Part 1, pp.549-554(July1956) Russo, A.L., Hertzberg, A., and Logan, J.G., Final Report of the Investigation of a Resonant Wave Engine. CAL Report DD-799-A-3, AD 129618 (Aug. 1956). Hertzberg, A., The Application of the Shock Tube to the Study of High-Temperature Phenomena in Gases. Appl. Mech. Rev., Vol. 9, No. 12, pp. 505-509 (Dec. 1956)
4. A Method for Improving the Performance of Shock Tubes