1. 1Silverstein, A., Katzoff, S. and Hootman, J. A. "Comparative Flight and Full-Scale Wind-Tunnel Measurements of the MaximumLiftofanAirplane,"NACATR-618,Feb.1938.
2. 2Spreiter,J.R.,andSteffen,P.J."EffectsofMachandReynoldsNumbersonMaximumLiftCoefficient,"NACATN-1044, March1946.
3. 3Sweberg, H. H., and Dingeldein, R. C. "Summary of Measurements in Langley Full-Scale Tunnel of Maximum Lift Coefficient and Stalling Characteristics of Airplanes,"NACATR-829,March1947.
4. 4Furlong,G. C., and Fitzpatrick, J. E."Effects of Mach Number and Reynolds Number on the Maximum Lift Coefficient of aWingofNACA230-SeriesAirfoil Section,"NACATN-1299,May1947.
5. 5Fitzpatrick, J. E., and Schneider, W. C. "Effects of Mach Number Variation between 0.07 and 0.34 and Reynolds Number Variation between 0.97×106and8.10×106ontheMaximumLiftCoefficientofaWingofNACA64-210AirfoilSection,"NACA TN-2753,Aug.1952.