1. Carl B. Moyer and Roald A. Rindal. An Analysis of the Coupled Chemically Reacting Boundary Layer and Charring Ablator, Part II: Finite Difference Solution for theIn-Depth Response of Charring Materials Considering Surface Chemical and Energy Balances. Technical Report 66-7 Part II, Aerotherm, March 1967.
2. B.F. Blackwell, R.W. Douglas, and H. Wolf. A User's Manual for the Sandia One-Dimensional Direct and Inverse Thermal (SODDIT) Code. Technical Report SAND 95-2478, Sandia National Laboratories, 1987.
3. Ablation and Thermal Response Program for Spacecraft Heatshield Analysis
4. Two-Dimensional Implicit Thermal Response and Ablation Program for Charring Materials