Low Reynolds number numerical solutions of chaotic flow




1. NASA, Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA


American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Reference11 articles.

1. Lecture Notes for the von KQrmin Institute For Fluid Dynamics Lecture Series : Numerical Techniques for Viscous Flow Couputation In Turbomachinery Bladings, von 1;irmdn;Pulliam T. H.,1985

2. Numerical computations of two-dimensional flow past an airfoil at low Mach number, large angle of attack and low Reynolds number shows a sequence of flow states leading from single period vortex shedding to chaos via the period doubling mechanism. Analysis of the flow in terms of phase diagrrrms, Poincari sections and flowfield variables has been used to substantiate this result. Although the flows are sensitive to algorithm parnnieters, (such as mesh refinement, artificial dissipation level, and differencing accuracy) the basic result of period doublings to chaos exists. A separate study where the Reynolds number was fixed and angle of attack used as the bifurcation parameter showed a similar sequence of doublings to chaos. It should be stressed, that the author by no means is suggesting that there is an equivalent physical flow. There is no experiineutal or theoretical evidence as to the physical realization of this type of flow. At best one can say that the numerical solution of the two- dimensional Navier- Stokesequations exhibits these mechanisms. At worst, we have a numerical computation, somewhat sensitive to numerical parameters, which shows a low dimensional road to chaos. In any event, an interesting flow computation which shows sequences of Y 1986.

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